Happiness Chemicals & How to Hack them
What makes you happy?
Material possessions? Your friendships? Certain circumstances or situations?
We can easily get swept up into thinking that our happiness comes as a result of the physical things we have or encounter. But when it comes down to it, happiness is in fact a complex, chemical experience.
When things aren’t looking up and certain circumstances, possessions, or relationships aren’t exactly how you’d imagined them, there are simple mechanisms you can implement to increase the ‘happy’ brain chemicals that ultimately alter your mood.
Four main neurochemicals, hormones, and neurotransmitters are generated in the brain and released throughout the day.
Dopamine, Oxytocin, Serotonin and Endorphins create the sensations and emotions we associate with happiness.
So what exactly are these chemicals and how can you intentionally activate them?
Let’s take a look at a handful of ways you can hack your happiness.
Stop basking in the unachievable holy grail of emotion, and start living your life to the fullest with these tips…
The Mood Stabilizer
One of the most notable happiness chemicals, serotonin, is a neurotransmitter that plays a plethora of roles in the brain’s biochemistry.
Not only is it a critical component in maintaining a balanced mood, it also helps your self-confidence, encourages social activity, stimulates a healthy appetite, and facilitates sustained, deep sleep.
So why is serotonin the most predominant of all the happiness chemicals? It’s because it is a primary component of antidepressant medication. If you’ve ever taken antidepressants or know someone that has, you’ll be more than familiar with this little bad boy.
Did you know that 80% of serotonin exists in your gut? Your state of hunger essentially governs it. Don’t stick it out when you’re feeling hangry; eat something.
Things you can do to release serotonin:
Get snacksy. Eat nourishing, wholesome food!
Release your inner Om. Practice meditation and mindfulness.
Listen to positive affirmations. Think about it… Negative thoughts leave you feeling down and depleted, but by reinforcing and cultivating positive thought patterns, you can boost your mood and feel confident to tackle the day ahead.
Spend time in nature. Breathing fresh air can promote overall
happiness and well-being.Get some sun on your buns. Two words: sun exposure! Natural, bright sunlight can work wonders, literally. Not only does it boost serotonin, but it also helps release melatonin, therefore helping you to hit the hay easier at night.
Be active and exercise. Go for a swim, jog, powerwalk… Whatever tickles your pickle… But seriously, regular exercise can positively impact your serotonin levels, helping to boost your overall mood and mindset.
Get (or give) a massage. Yes, you read that correctly. Massage therapy also decreases cortisol levels and boosts serotonin and other happiness chemicals!
The Reward Chemical
Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that essentially tells you you’ve done a good job.
Typically, it’s more involved with anticipation, and is likened as a ‘striving’ emotion.
Dopamine signaling plays a key role in the brain’s central reward system.
It is critically involved in learning, memory, and motor control processes.
Things you can do to release dopamine:
Set yourself a task and complete it.
Eat a plant-based, wholesome meal.
Celebrate the small stuff.
Take time out and prioritise self-care. A little self-love can go a long way!
Massages! Yeehaw! Massage therapy decreases your cortisol levels and boosts dopamine and other happy chemicals.
Set long-term goals, and remind yourself daily of why and how you will achieve them. Many psychologists and neurologists agree that goal-setting drives us to invest in the target entirely. When we define a goal, our brain sets up specific conditions that push us to work towards fulfilling it.
Perform random acts of kindness. Pay for a friend’s lunch, buy someone flowers, write a love letter…
Volunteer! Head to a homeless shelter, an op shop, or an animal rescue centre.
The Love Hormone
Oxytocin is a neurochemical that connects us with others by making us feel closer to, and more inclined to bond with people. We feel more empathy, and therefore are more social.
Oxytocin is released through closeness with another person, such as social bonding, eye contact, and attentiveness.
Oxytocin can help strengthen your bonds and relationships. Did you know that oxytocin is high behind MDMA? Yeehaw! You can feel those warm ‘n’ fuzzies, reduce anxiety, and stimulate dopamine and serotonin without even popping a party pill. Now who would’ve thought…
Things you can do to release oxytocin:
Dish out the positive compliments.
Express physical affection for others.
Get (or give) a massage. Cuddle or hug a friend. To hell with it, spoon somebody. Get jiggy with it!
Get it on with some old-fashioned sexual intimacy. Sorry mum!
Pet a dog, cat, hamster… Any furry companion you’ve got! Scientifically speaking, we love our animals like we love our people!
The Pain Killer
Endorphins are opioid neuropeptides that are associated with masking and dealing with pain and discomfort.
They are produced in our Central Nervous System, which links them with our Fight or Flight Response.
Endorphins help us to ‘power through’, and are released after performing either aerobic and anaerobic exercise.
Endorphins can help reduce depression, boost feelings of happiness, and act as a natural pain reliever.
Things you can do to release endorphins:
Laugh out loud. Literally. Snort it out. Having a good giggle works in the same way that smiling does. It’s simple, yet effective in lifting your mood.
Watch a good movie. Say ciao to those horror films…
Volunteer and give back to those in need.
Break a sweat by exercising and getting active.
Chocolate. Chocolate. Chocolate. Where my chocoholics at?!
Getting intimate with a special someone.
Meditation and mindfulness.
On a related note… one of the most effective ways to boost your happiness chemicals is simply breathing. Breathing?! Yes. But here’s the trick. It’s not just shallow, rapid breaths. We’re talking about diaphragm living here, people. This type of breathing involves inhaling and exhaling deep breaths into your stomach. These slower breaths lower your heart rate and activate the parasympathetic nervous system.
Top tip: Place the palm of your hand over the centre of your stomach, and focus on taking a slow, full breath to the count of six.
What are you waiting for? Hack your happy hormones today!
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