How to Stay Fit While Travelling
When most people think of exercise, they usually think of someone torturing themselves in a soulless gym inundated with monster-sized machines. Nasty. So, when you put exercise and travel into the same sentence, many people will flat-out laugh in your face.
Having the time out of your tediously mundane routine, with fewer demands and obligations, is the perfect opportunity to prioritise your health. With that being said, why not take full advantage of the break in your routine to get fit so you go home feeling refreshed and revitalised? This could be your chance to say adios to that vacay beer gut.
I’m not going to lie, exercising whilst on the road is undoubtedly a challenge, but the good news is, travelling and staying in shape can go hand in hand.
There are plenty of ways to explore a new destination & burn a few extra calories while you’re at it!
Here’s a foolproof compilation I’ve accumulated over the years, with some of my top tips on keeping your health in check while you’re travelling. Let’s break a sweat!
Hike your way to a healthier you.
One the best things you can do is get outside, check out what mother nature has in store, and immerse yourself in the unique terrain of the location you’re visiting.
Hiking not only guarantees fresh air and incredible scenery (waterfalls, rainforests, etc.) but, it’s a chance to pick up the pace to get your heart rate pumping.
One of my favourite things about hiking is the unexpected discoveries you stumble upon along the way.
With copious distractions amidst unspoiled nature, you’ll forget that you’re even exercising, or at the very least, you’ll be distracted!
Elect a hiking trail with a degree of difficulty, both in the distance and terrain covered.
Or, push yourself like I did when I hiked Australia’s sprawling sandstone ridges, The Grampians, or Bali’s active volcano, Mount Batur.
Top tip: Be sure to bring the right pair of shoes (sandals/flip flops are a big no!).
Ditch the car, walk as much as you can.
If you’ve got the time, opt to walk. Always!
Ask yourself: Do I really need to take an Uber? Answer: No.
Unless it’s late in the evening, or if you find yourself in a dodgy area, ditch the bus, train, or taxi, and get those twinkle toes on the move!
Just do the moonwalk, sidestep, stroll, whatever the hell tickles your pickle. By exploring on foot, you’ll burn some serious-ass calories and discover hidden gems and quirky finds along the way.
When I’m travelling to a new destination, I easily smash 10km per day, and most of the time, it’s without even noticing.
Beach it!
Beach please... Most of us would prefer to bury our asses in the sand with a beer double parked in both hands.. But, there’s a few simple things you can do to get that heart rate pumping!
Swimming laps is fairly low-key, and it’ll whip you into a full body workout.
Whether it’s a couple laps of freestyle, backstroke, or if you’re anything like me, a fellow doggy paddler, this is a great way to switch up your workout.
If the water isn’t your jam, challenge yourself with a couple laps of running on the sand, with intervals ankle deep in the water. Did somebody say cardio?!
And, if neither of these options does it for you, try out paddle boarding or kayaking. Both optimise the upper body and core muscles.
Break a sweat inside your hotel room.
Basically, the goal is to construct a workout that you can do anytime, anywhere.
Aim to give one hundred per cent of your effort with speedy, intense bursts of exercise, followed by brief, rest periods. This type of workout will keep your heart rate up and burn more fat in less time. Score!
The best part is, you don’t even have to leave your room!
Work your way down this list of exercises:
25 Star jumps (keeping your arms straight and clapping your hands at the top)
25 Sit-ups (sit all the way up, not just a crunch)
25 Crunches (not letting your head or neck touch the floor)
25 Push-ups (maintaining a straight back)
25 Squats (keeping your feet in line with your hips)
45-second Plank (making sure your weight is balanced evenly)
Then, you repeat each exercise four times and drop the number by five every single time.
e.g. smash out 25 squats, then do 20, then 15, and finish it with ten squats.
This type of workout helps you keep fit and optimises your time. Plus, it’ll give you that little energy to tackle the rest of your day! If the above exercises aren’t enough to satisfy you, check out this post here.
You are what you eat.
Just because you’re on vacay mode doesn’t mean junk food should rule over all meals.
My best advice is to eat real, wholesome food such as salads, vegetables, fruits and nuts. At all costs, do your best to dodge caving in to processed junk foods.
One of the most helpful tips I’ve learnt is to buy your own groceries instead of eating out. This will seriously save you a ton of cashola.
Whenever I touch down in a new destination, I always stock up on bananas, apples, wholemeal bread, cheese (who can say no to cheese?!), and a handful of veggies (depending on what’s in season).
Another crucial point to keep in mind is that all those beers/cocktails/soft drinks can add up!
Make an effort to keep yourself hydrated by drinking at least 2 liters of water every day.
Bottled water is usually expensive (and it destroys the environment), so don’t forget to bring a refillable or filtered water bottle along with you.
Say ciao to the elevator, it’s time to prioritise the stairs.
Say hello to some big-ass buns! Just about everybody is aware that taking the stairs is a good workout. And even though they’re well aware of that fact, most will opt for the elevator, regardless.
Let’s be real, this is one of the most effective ways of ‘exercising’ without really ‘exercising’ whilst you’re travelling.
Taking the stairs gets your heart rate up and strengthens those glutes.
Be that daring dude/dudette who climbs the stairs to the top of that famous monument. Don’t follow the rest of the sheep into the overcrowded elevator!
Picture that one kid that hadn’t done their homework drastically avoiding eye contact with the teacher. That was me, but with the stairs.
When I came to Barcelona, I moved into an apartment without an elevator. That apartment had 121 steps on the way up and 121 steps back down. It’s safe to say I’ve formed a love-hate relationship with those stairs…
Release the Om with Yoga.
In recent years, yoga has become a craze all around the world, and it’s for damn good reason.
Yoga has a multitude of benefits, not just for keeping you in shape, but for your mind and soul too.
Taking a yoga class while travelling is easily one of the best decisions you’ll make.
You’ll get a good stretch that’ll leave your mind clear and your body energised. From my experience, it’s also interesting to see the difference in an instructor’s method and what they bring to each class. Namaste!
When travel comes into play, our fitness routines tend to get chucked out the window. And who could you blame when the labyrinth-like alleyways, soaring mountain tops, and that cocktail on the beach feel like they’re quite literally calling out your name… But alas, staying in shape while travelling can be reframed from energy-draining, to effortless with these simple exercises. Fellow female travellers, behold: the 5 Best Workouts for Girls on the Go.